It took me immense courage to write and share this up

So my story is basically a few months old and it took me immense courage to write and share this up. This is not exactly an assault but an abuse will always be an abuse be it be in any form mentally physically or emotionally. I was in relationship with ...
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Why do teenagers do all this??

I was maybe around 3 or 4 at the time this happened, I don't know when to be honest my brain just refuses to store that memory. I was at a family friend's house with my parents and my brother. There was a teenage boy in that family too. We ...
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As time passes I just get more and more angry

I grew up with an abusive father. I was too socially awkward to ever make friends in school because of how my home life was. I was always lonely, and felt unwanted and unimportant to everyone in my life. When I was 19 I met a guy, who I thought would ...
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The place I had called Home was not safe.

This was not an one time trauma. I had to go through it from the age of 6 untill I was 17 years old. Years later I had suppressed that memory, rebelled at home, turned to alcohol and trusted friends more than anyone who called themselves blood relatives. An incident 20 years later ...
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Ever since I was born, at every step my existence and identity was reduced into ...

There is no one incident of intrusive offensive sexual abuse I remember. Nothing that shattered me into the before and after version. It all started to happen even before I realised the burden of being female in this world. When I was 6, the teenage boy who was asked to babysit ...
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A secret video by a stranger and blackmail

it was my boyfriend's birthday and he was busy with work all week so i planned an afternoon surprise cake cutting for him in a nearby society's garden. all our friends were there. Soon everyone started leaving and it was raining so we decided to wait the rain ...
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Just Once

This story is based on a real event that has happened and is now being documented for remembrance of women's worth. This event happened in the month of May, 2020. I am a survivor of sexual assault and rape. At the time I was 14. I had a crush on this ...
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My SA story

Very few people know my story, let alone understand it. I was 15, and I was naive. I yearned for attention from boys because I had constantly been bullied by other girls for my curves and “chubbiness”. I struggled with my self worth and attention made me feel like ...
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When I was in junior high and in high school, everything was about getting boys to like you. The only thing we dreamed of and worked for was their attention. Having a boy like you, was the ultimate. My friends didn't like all boys of course, but we wanted ...
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Santa B...

Thick body is a title to slut , according to men.

I have never talked about this to anyone not my family friends or my husband. When I turned 12, I was a bit heavier, and had periods when I was in 5th standard this made me look chubby and bit older then my age I guessed. I was slut shamed most ...
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